The Highest Paying Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding Protocol
✓ Highest Fixed APY in Crypto
✓ Low Risk with AIRIC+ Insurance Fund (AIF)
✓ Interest Paid Every 15 Minutes: 96 Times Daily!
✓ Automatic Staking and Compounding in Your Wallet!
AIRIC+ Auto-Staking Protocol
AIRIC+ is a decentralized financial asset that rewards users with a sustainable fixed compound interest model through the use of its unique AAP protocol.
AIRIC+ delivers the industry’s highest fixed APY, paid every 15 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your AIRIC+ portfolio in your wallet at a lightning fast pace.
ʻʻ All AIRIC+ holders are rewarded with automatic compound interest which is paid every 15 minutes. ʼʼ
How does AIRIC+ Works
AIRIC+ Token
AIRIC+ is the native token to which interest rebase rewards are paid. Every token holder automatically receives 0,0104166% interest every 15 minutes just for holding AIRIC+ tokens in their own wallet!
Crypto’s Highest Paying Auto-Staking and Auto-Compounding Protocol with the greatest fixed APY in the industry of 30%. Interest rewards are compounded every 15 minutes for every BSC wallet holding any AIRIC+ tokens.
AIRIC+ Insurance Fund (SIF)
The AIF serves as an insurance fund to achieve price stability and longterm sustainability of the AIRIC+ staking Protocol by maintaining a consistent 0.0002355% rebase rate paid to all AIRIC+ staking token holders.
AIRIC+ Treasury
The Treasury provides support to the AIF in the event of an extreme price drop in the AIRIC+ staking token. The Treasury also funds investments, new AIRIC+ projects and marketing for AIRIC+
The Fire Pit
2.5% of all AIRIC+ traded are burnt in the Fire Pit. The more that is traded, the more get put into the firepit causing size reducing the circulating supply, and keeping the AIRIC+ staking protocol stable.
✓ No manual override ability to pause or stop liquidity from being added.
✓ Allows for complete APY sustainability until maximum supply is reached.
14% Slippage
Automatic LP
4% of order fees return to liquidity
AIRIC+ Insurance
5% of order fees are stored in AIF
2.5% of order fees go to the treasury
Fire Pit
2.5% of AIRIC+ is burnt in the fire pit

16% Slippage
Automatic LP
4% of order fees return to liquidity
AIRIC+ Insurance
5% of order fees are stored in AIF
4.5% of order fees go to the treasury
Fire Pit
2.5% of AIRIC+ is burnt in the fire pit